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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Man of the House

I haven't read this book so this is not a review. I was reading a comic and came across how a little Reading could be Dangerous.......

The husband had just finished reading the book 'Man of the House.'

He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife, pointing a finger in her face, he said,

"From now on I want you to know that I am the man of the house and my word is law. I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, I expect a scrumptious dessert. Then, after dinner, you are going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I'm finished with my bath, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair? "

His wife replies, "the funeral director would be my guess."

One Liners :

At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, 'Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?' The other replied, 'Yes, I am, I married the wrong man.'

My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was.

After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, 'You know, I was a fool when I married you.' The husband replied, 'Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice.'

'I never know how much of what I say is true.' Bette Midler

A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: 'Wife wanted' . Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: 'You can have mine.'

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

The only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can. Margo Kaufman

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.

'There is no reciprocity. Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters.'- Alice Thomas Ellis

'It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.' -Tallulah Bankhead

Some Psychology :

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.

A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

Well, Thats it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Music – The Essence of Life

For most people music is an enjoyable, although momentary form of entertainment. But for those who seriously practiced a musical instrument when they were young, perhaps when they played in a school orchestra or even a rock band, the musical experience can be something more.

Albert Einstein is recognized as one of the smartest man who has ever lived. A little known fact about Einstein is that when he was young he did extremely poor in school. His grade school teachers told his parents to take him out of school because he was "too stupid to learn" and it would be a waste of resources for the school to invest time and energy in his education. The school suggested that his parents get Albert an easy, manual labor job as soon as they could. His mother did not think that Albert was "stupid". Instead of following the school's advice, Albert's parents bought him a violin. Albert became good at the violin. Music was the key that helped Albert Einstein become one of the smartest men who has ever lived. Einstein himself says that the reason he was so smart is because he played the violin. He loved the music of Mozart and Bach the most. A friend of Einstein, G.J. Withrow, said that the way Einstein figured out his problems and equations was by improvising on the violin.

No matter what kind of music you listen to, it makes your mood better. we are more optimistic, joyful, friendly, relaxed, and calm after listening to music. If we were already feeling good, the positive vibes are increased, and if we were feeling down, music helps to feel less pessimistic and sad. Music proved successful in mood regulation, energy raising and tension reduction. The only emotion it didn’t affect seemed to be fear – which was neither raised nor lowered by music.

Music has measureable physical effects in lowering blood pressure, slowing or increasing breathing and pulse rates, and affecting brain waves. Music can:

Reduce stress: Music relaxes your muscles and reduces your breathing rate, both of which are directly related to stress.

Make you happy: Music can stimulate your body to produce serotonin (the happiness hormone) and so elevate your mood.

Alter your brain waves: Music can alter your brain wave pattern and so elevate your mood even after you stop listening to it.

Motivate you: Listening to motivating music can make you become more motivated yourself.

However some music can hook you back into repetitive patterns, so watch out for songs that carry bad memories. People who listen to romantic songs after breakups recover 10 times slower than those who don’t, (Huh! this is something new ) so edit your playlist if you want to recover faster.

One cannot deny the power of music. High school students who study music have higher grade point averages that those who don't. These students also develop faster physically. Student listening skills are also improved through music education. Napoleon understood the enormous power of music. He said, “Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everyone Is Gifted But Some People Never Open Their Package

A young man was ready to complete his studies. For several months he had seen a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom and he knows his father is able to buy it, he told his father about that car.

As graduation day approached, the young man expected that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father called him. His father tell him how proud he was feeling to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. He gave his son an attractive gift box.

The young man opened the box and found a pretty, leather-bound Bible. Angrily, he raises his voice & told his father, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" and leaves the house, leaving the holy book.

After lots of years the young man was become a good businessman. He had a big home and wonderful family, he realized that his father was very old and he had not seen him from the time of graduation day. Before he goes there, he received news about his father’s death and willed all of his properties to his son. He wanted to come home without delay to take care of things. When he arrived at his father's home, he feels sadness. He starts to search his father's important papers and saw the new Bible, just as he had left it time ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he read, a car key dropped from a cover tape at the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the trader's name, the same trader who had the sports car he had much loved.

Many time we miss blessings as they are not packaged as we like……….

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Friend Sancho by Amit Varma

Chetan Bhagat has sure inspired a whole generation of writers to write, and in some cases they have taken forward his legacy to the next level. This book I would put in the same category. Language is witty and it does make you laugh. It is a book written by a boy and by a blogger for the people who belong to the age of blogging and sharing instant thoughts about things that are instantly around them.

Protagonist Abir Ganguly is a journalist and lands in a situation where he has to write about two aspects of a story and while doing this he gets entangled with a character in his story. There are no twists and turns in the story. Written in first person it only talks about the protagonist, his life as a journalist in a big city and his dealing with this one particular story. What makes the book worth reading is the tongue and cheek language, the monologues that the protagonist has with himself, his funny description of unexpressed thoughts and wishful thinking and his inventive talks with the lizard in his house.

Though there was no need, Amit leaves no opportunity to promote his blog throughout the book, by the end you know that when he mentions internet he is bound to talk about his blog. Sometimes the book looks like an extension of his blog, the one liners keep coming every now and then. The protagonist is almost like the alter ego of the author. Sorry Amit, hazards of being a famous blogger, people know you more than you think.

Why do I see a Hindi film in all the new age novels? Is it because the writers have grown up under the influence of Hindi films so that shows in their writing or is it that they all are eyeing converting their books into films?

A quick, easy and funny read.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Doctor

Got this as a forward mail, and I'm sure it will make u smile ................. its in gujarati(u'll miss fun if u dont know!!!)

કેટલાક યથાર્થ નામધારી ડૉક્ટરો !

ડાયેટિશિયન : ડૉ. તન-સુખ-ઘાટ-લિયા

આંખના ડૉક્ટર : ડૉ. નયન રોશન

ગેસ્ટ્રોએન્ટ્રોલોજિસ્ટ : ડૉ. પવન આઝાદ

કાર્ડિયોલોજિસ્ટ : ડૉ. હૃદયનાથ

ગાયનેકોલોજિસ્ટ : ડૉ. જન્મેજય

બાળકોના ડૉક્ટર : ડૉ. બાલકૃષ્ણ જોષી

માનસિક રોગના ડોક્ટર : ડૉ. મનસુખ વાઘેલા

નાક-કાન-ગળાના ડોક્ટર : ડૉ. કાનજી ગલાણી

અનેસ્થેટિસ્ટ : ડૉ. જાગૃતિ સુવાગિયા

કેન્સરના ડૉક્ટર : ડૉ. પ્રાણજીવન જીવરાજાની

પશુચિકિત્સક : ડૉ. મયૂર પોપટલાલ હાથી

Thursday, April 8, 2010

THE FLIPSIDE by Adam J Jackson

This is one of the self help books. They are good to read when you are feeling down and out, they can pep you up for sometime but beyond that they may not serve much of the purpose.

This book, which talks about ‘Finding the hidden opportunities in life’, came to me for review. Like most self help books this book is also full of real life stories. Most of these stories show how individuals came out of the worst situations in their lives and how they not only survived the traumas that life threw at them but also found the opportunities that this situation had hidden inside the misery. If you have been a reader’s digest reader, lots of these stories would remind you of stories there. There are so many stories that it would almost make you feel that you would be a fool if you do not find that bright spot in a dark night.

On a lighter note, the stories reminded me of an old joke of a criminal telling the Judge that you can show me two people who saw me stealing but I can show you millions who did not. But having said that the stories do have the potential to inspire people to look beyond what they have lost in the tragedies and focus on what they are still left with. Author begins by focusing on what happens when a crisis or a trauma hits you and then goes on to share stories of people who were hit but who came out brighter out of their low points in life. He then gives a step by step way to find out flipside during a crisis, most of which is asking yourself questions from various perspectives like a commercial opportunity, an opportunity to discover your relationships and if you ask all these questions, somewhere you are going to get the positive. Now, if you hold on to this positive and start building your life from there on, you have found the flipside in your tragedy.

It’s a quick, fast and easy read. There are lots of examples that you might have read as internet forwarded mails. It may be a good gift for someone around you who may not have anything going right at the moment and the stories and theory in this book may inspire them, otherwise you can skip the book.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kya Bhoolun Kya Yaad Karun by Harivansh Rai Bachhan

Autobiography of Harivansh Rai Bachhan is in four volumes. This one is the first in that series and talks about approximately first 28 years of his life. This is a difficult book to review, one because it is an autobiography, second because it comes from an era, which you do not relate to and third because the author has described the era and his life in so many layers and dimensions that even after completing the book, you are still discovering the layers and meanings of what he says.

He starts by tracing his family lineage from some 500 years before he was born, and then goes on describe the characteristics of Kayastha, the community that he belongs to. I often used to wonder about the surname Bachhan, as to where it came from, because have not heard it anywhere in and around Allahabad also. And the revelation came from this book, Bachhan was the pet name of Harivansh Rai, and instead of Srivastava which was his original family name, he used Bachhan both as his surname and his pen name. He talks about the family tree in great detail, the circumstances of a lower middle class family in that era and how most people lived hand to mouth. How the families operated, how some people always became the victims of family politics and some people ended up taking responsibility of the extended family.

He talks in great detail about his own evolution as a poet and writer. The people who contributed to his poetry, were his inspirations, or gave him the experiences that could give him poetic insights into life and people. It is interesting to read about three women and a few men who contributed to his poetic evolution, his struggle to remain a poet and not let himself get lost in the struggle for life. He describes his relationships in great detail, and how each of them contributed to his growth.

The honesty and bluntness with which he writes about himself and his family is unbelievable, most of the times you can relate to what he says about people and human behavior. When he is describing his struggle to earn money while making all the efforts to establish himself as a poet, you can clearly make out what distinguishes winners from losers. For all his life, he never slept more than 4 hours a day, he did all kinds of jobs to sustain himself and his family, and also ensured that he nurtured the poet in him everyday. He did not get any royalty for first book, just got a share of copies from the first print. His most famous book ‘Madhushala’, he had to publish himself, since the publisher was playing games with him, while describing all this he also acknowledges that he did not like or enjoy doing anything except writing.

He describes his relationship with his first wife Shyama, very sensitively. How she came into his life, when he was getting over his relationship with another woman, and how she was a teenager, a delicate flower like girl when they got married and how her devotion to him gave him stability in life and how she matured on to become his pillar of strength. This volume actually finishes with the death of Shyama, probably a logical turning point in his life.While he was married he got attracted to another woman, and he can’t pin point what she meant to him, but he would let her use him willingly.